
Well-crafted nested routes and breadcrumbs in a React app

September 08, 2019


Surprisingly, Google and GitHub search does not provide an example of a React app with nested navigation and breadcrumbs.

This article is intended to fix the problem.

Our precondition would be for the application to have a single source of truth for navigation. A tree structure which will be looking similar to:

const navigation = [
    path: "/",
    label: "Home",
    routes: [
        path: "/electronics",
        label: "Electronics",
        routes: [
            path: "/accessories",
            label: "Accessories",
            path: "/headphones",
            label: "Headphones",
        path: "/books",
        label: "Books",
        routes: [
            path: "/fiction",
            label: "Fiction",
            routes: [
                path: "/sci-fi",
                label: "Science Fiction",
                path: "/romance",
                label: "Romance",
            path: "/fiction",
            label: "Non-fiction",

Pages paths will be stacked in depth: /page-1/sub-page-1/sub-sub-page-1.

We can achieve the desired outcome with the technique of rendering routes in cycle:

import { Route, Router } from "react-router-dom";

const pages = [
    route: "/",
    content: () => <HomePage />,
    route: "/about",
    content: () => <About />,

const App = () => (
    { => (
      <Route route={page.route} render={() => page.content} />

Considering router does not support tree structure out of the box, we have to flatten our nested routes structure:

export const flattenNavigation = navigation =>
    .map(route => [route, route.routes ? flattenNavigation(route.routes) : []])

Also we need to recursively stack all the sub-paths together:

export const combinePaths = (parent, child) =>
  `${parent.replace(/\/$/, "")}/${child.replace(/^\//, "")}`;

export const buildPaths = (navigation, parentPath = "") => => {
    const path = combinePaths(parentPath, route.path);

    return {
      ...(route.routes && {
        routes: buildPaths(route.routes, path),

By combining flattenRoutes and nestPaths together we can render our nested navigation structure in one go:

const routes = flattenRoutes(nestPaths(navigation));
return (
    {routes.reverse().map((route, index) => (
        render={() => rouete.content}

Now it’s time for navigation and breadcrumbs.

To travers back and forth through our routes tree and render navigation and breadcrumbs, it would be convenient to have not only children for each page, but each page has to know it’s parent:

export const setupParents = (navigation, parentRoute = null) => => {
    const withParent = {
      ...(parentRoute && {
        parent: parentRoute,

    return {
      ...(withParent.routes && {
        routes: setupParents(withParent.routes, withParent),

Parents provided us with enough flexibility to render every page individually as standalone component:

const Page = ({ route }) => (
    <NestedMenu route={route} />
    {route.parent && <Breadcrumbs route={route} />}

Let’s create a helper function to traverse through routes tree from leaf to the root:

export const flattenParents = route => {
  if (!route.parent) {
    return [];

  return [route.parent, ...flattenParents(route.parent)].flat(Infinity);

And here is the code of nested menu component:

const NestedMenu = ({ route }) => (
    {[...flattenParents(route).reverse(), route]
      .filter(r => r.routes)
      .map((r, index) => (
        <Menu key={index} routes={r.routes} />

and breadcrumbs:

const Breadcrumbs = ({ route }) => (
  <nav className="breadcrumbs">
    {[...flattenParents(route).reverse(), route].map(
      (crumb, index, breadcrumbs) => (
        <div key={index} className="item">
          {index < breadcrumbs.length - 1 && (
            <NavLink to={crumb.path}>{crumb.label}</NavLink>
          {index === breadcrumbs.length - 1 && crumb.label}

The final result is available here:

Made by Dmitry Snisarenko who lives in Amsterdam, and spontaneously puts code on GitHub.